Awfully quiet around here, isn’t it? I think that’s my fault, as I’m the only one in the band with access to the server. April’s been pretty busy for all of us on the home front, so there’s not much new to report. We had to file taxes in roughly half of the states that there are, and I for one spent the rest of the month learning about background checks. Specifically, I learned that if you’re a self-employed musician who’s had twenty addresses in the past ten years, you have a better chance of being struck by lightning than of actually being approved to rent an apartment that comes with its own stove and bathroom.
But that’s so totally uninteresting, I can’t believe I even wrote it. SWLLC is a band, first and foremost, and you come here not to read of our personal travails, but to see things, and to hear things, and today you have stepped in a giant pile of luck, using both feet.
SEE! The website is once again orange and functional. We went all grey and minimalist for a while, out of cowardice, but now it is spring again and we are therefore orange. Let us know if it’s giving you headaches or seizures or anything and we’ll have our computer guy block your IP.
HEAR! Alert reader Dan Pollitt has been kind enough to let us know that “The Bull Moose After Party” is finally available through iTunes, with the rest of our catalog not too far behind. I myself have been a minority shareholder in Apple since my Bar Mitzvah and am frankly appalled that it took them this long to process our submission, but now that it’s up there we totally forgive them, so “go ye and be fruitful.
PLAY! Back by popular demand: guitar tabs! The ones we have are mixed in with the lyrics. We’re working on getting the rest done soon, but we’ve been saying that since 2001, so caveat lector.
Also, we’re still scheduling makeup dates for that weekend we had to cancel back in April, but I’ll be playing a solo show in Seattle with The AlphAbetS (May 13th, 21+) that I strongly encourage everyone and their mother to go to, as I think the ‘betS are shooting a video that night, and who doesn’t want to be a piece of history?
Anyways, that’s the news for now. A few sections of the site are still being rehabbed, but our fresh new 404 page will be there to catch you if you fall.
And we really will have some actual new content for you at some point, so stay tuned.
The Band