Welcome, again, to the new site. To save you the trouble of actually having to search through it for changes, we’ve compiled a short list of Everything New That Matters:
- The second pressing of Satisfiction has finally escaped from the plant and thumbed a ride out to Chicago, where it is feeling much better and happily haunting the venerable shelves of Awarestore.com. Our t-shirts are also back in stock, and available here.
- Misha regrets to announce his absence from a number of upcoming tourdates, as his childhood dream of finishing college before he turns 30 is in dire need of attention. But the show must go on, and so it is with much noise and fanfare that we announce the official addition of Jack Mahaffy to the LLC Road Roster. Jack hails from the West Coast, has co-authored a number of Speechwriters classics and is arguably the greatest bass player alive. After many fruitless years of us begging and pleading with him to just shut up and get in the van, the threat of a Dave Lowensohn solo tour if he didn’t seems to have finally gotten the job done, and we are pleased to report that he will be turning his back on not only the love of his life but a great job and even better home life in order to do this. As for Misha, he’s still writing like a fiend and plans on flying out for so many six-day weekends that most of you probably won’t even notice he’s missing.
- Jasper’s still the man to see about club shows, but our college booking is now being handled by the good people over at Kirkland Productions, so drop Gina a line if you want us to play at your school and we’ll see if we can’t work something out.
- Amateur philanthropist David Warder has set up the official Unofficial Speechwriters LLC Online Audio Archive, where shows and demos are already beginning to trickle in. Ask not what David Warder can do for you, but rather, etc.
- Tabs! You asked for them, we pretended we couldn’t hear you. But that was then, this is now. You’re looking at a totally changed band, baby! Honest.
- There’s a great little interview we did with Mike Kantor over at Get Some Noise, which is doubly entertaining because we each responded to his questions separately via email and had no idea what the other one was saying.
And that’s it for now, although we do have big plans to start updating this section way more often than we have been. Happy summer.
Great site! Best wishes!