This will be the saddest post thus far: Our van is in trouble. It’s not dying but its hurting. It keeps getting stuck in 1st gear. Is it the cold weather, is it the gear and huge frames of the band members, or is it the fact that it has over 530,000 miles on it? (Seriously it really does) Whatever it may be, we need your prayers cause we’re not even halfway through the tour. Respect.

Yesterday was a hell of a day and since right now it is almost 2pm on the east coast and nothing exciting has happened it is only proper to write about yesterday. There really is only one thing I could write about yesterday: The boating adventures of Nitzan and Misha. For some reason the two of us get paired up together, maybe because we’re the same age, maybe because we both have wierd unisex names, maybe because we both like to be tan 365 days out of the year, I don’t know. But what I do know is we took two kayaks to the middle of Bridgeton Lake. Once we got to the middle of the lake where the sun was at its highest we thought it might be a nice place to stop rowing and just relax for a minute. We kept drifting away from each other so we began to hold on to each others boats so we could have a conversation without yelling. This seemed like a brilliant idea at first. We got into this epic conversation about real estate, kibbutzim in Israel, and the future of our band. We spoke with intensity staying close but not realizing our changing location. By the time the conversaton ended we were on the complete otherside of the lake probably about 2 miles away from the cabin and not really knowing which dock was the right one. The sun was beggining to set and we frantically row as hard as we can to try and find the right one. With my sense of direction I wasn’t too worried but I could tell Misha was a little concerned. But as I was rowing in the middle of this lake with no other person to be seen for miles I thought to myself: It’s a Monday, I’m in the middle of Maine on a lake, I’m kind of lost on a kayak, is this really what I’m doing with my life? You damn right it is.

In the last 24 hours I’ve experienced a lot. The most impressive task completed was driving from Chicago to Washington D.C. in about 14 hours. After doing the 20 hour drives, anything under 15 hours kind of seems like a walk in the park, although it was raining and awful outside plus I don’t trust Jack (never trust a bass player) to get us more than 20 miles without a near death collision. Aside from the drive, Misha and I watched and listend to the Chicago Symphony play Mozart’s Piano Concierto No. 23 in Chicago’s Millenium Park. It was so inspiring we decided we’re going to cover it from beggining to end so keep looking out for that. We also had the best breakfast of the trip so far in this tiny place in Pennsylvania. After finishing the meal our waitress felt so comfortable with us that she asked if we had found Jesus Christ. She mentioned that we are like truck drivers, we never know if we’re actually gonna reach our destination alive or not, but if we find Jesus Christ than we’ll know that if we don’t make it to our destination at least we’ll make it to heaven. All this in less than 24 hours!!! And you wonder why we grow and matrue so quickly. You just can’t buy life experience like that.