And the winners are…
Thanks to everyone who participated in making this a really successful and enjoyable contest. There was an absolute onslaught of entries all of Friday and several right up until the 11:59 deadline. Well done and to those of you who are hearing about this for the first time don’t worry, you can still send me pictures of or relating to SWLLC album art…just don’t expect to win anything, or even a human response.
Okay, enough talking, lets announce the winners:
First place and winner of an All-Weather SWLLC Survival Pack, goes to Amanda Parks & her co-hort “Chinako”. I love this picture because it not only has a certain air of optimism about it, it’s also just two covers away from a Mac 10…rock on.

Second place undoubtably goes to Paulami Naik. This was one of the first entries received and stuck in my mind as an early winner. It’s incredibly subtle, yet unabashingly obvious. The captions are endless, and like the book The Indian in the Cupboard, who knows what this conversation would end up like.
CD Art: So, come here often?
Ceramic Bear 1: *to ceramic bear 2* I get the one with the axe…
Ceramic Bear 2: *to ceramic bear 1* Okay, I’ll take the one with the rifle.
CD Art: Ummm…

Third place goes to Kathryn Elizabeth DeTore for her majestic and mystifying picture entitled “Flying Without a Care.” I just love it and even as a seasoned photographer I wonder “How did she do that!?” The answer of course is a quick shutter and possibly some broken table lamps.
EDIT: Apparently I’m wrong. On second thought, it’s probably dental floss and elbow grease…ick.

It’s also worth noting a few honorable mentions. These people didn’t win anything this time around, but their effort is definitely worth a shout out. The first goes to
Lindsey Sherman for submitting 19 photographs. Each one was different from the last, and if was certainly a lot of work. Also gaining runner up props is Lisa Streit who didn’t send in 19 pictures, but certainly sent several good ones which just narrowly avoided the top three. Here’s my favorite from that group:

Spin cycle…get it? Muh hahahah…
Thanks again for everyone who sent in pictures and pulled out the album for a listen (or in some cases, took it out of the CD player for a few precious minutes). Stay tuned to the boys’ blog in the next few weeks as they’ll be providing near-daily updates. As for me, I’ll still be around. Rock on.