Ahh, TGIF! Happy weekend everybody, and a special happy weekend to those of you who work 9-5 M-F. I now officially feel your pain.

Tonight I bring you some great band-related news. In case you hadn’t heard “Satisfiction” is now officially out of print and thus legally shareable. SWLLC forum member sw5110 has gone through the effort to upload it to the gracious servers of www.YouSendIt.com, so be sure to visit the forums and the thread to pick up the album while it’s still easily avaliable. You can even send the band money if you’d like, I’m sure they wouldn’t mind. Also, forum member blguillen has posted links to several shows on the forums, so if you’re hankering for some live SWLLC music with some really excellent recordings, check it out.

Other exciting band news of course being the great interview on www.FeelingAnxious.com by Aly Semigran. If you haven’t read it click here. Highlights include references to “solar yoga,” band relations and future insights to musical accompaniment by Stephen Hawking and Natalie Portman. It shouldn’t be missed. The site also has a few other interviews with bands if you’re into that sort of thing.

I’d also like to start a contest. My first post gave me a great idea: “Why not have people take pictures of the ‘Bull Moose After Party’ CD in creative places?” Winner gets eternal glory and maybe some free shwag (I’ll discuss this with the band’s accountant), but most importantly I’ll post the top three pics as a post in the near future. The contest starts today and ends September 9th, 2005, giving you a few weeks to be creative and dig the album out from the depths of your CD collection. You can e-mail submissions here.

Dave tells me he’ll update this blog himself one of these days, but aren’t things more fun through a secondary source? It’s kind of like buying diamonds that have gone through 12 different people (literally). Have a great weekend everybody and here’s a picture to brighten up your day:

I just started a new job this week and I thought it would be a good time to reflect on just how cool music is compared to business. I say this because at this unnamed company I work for, we publish a variety of CDs, DVDs, seminars and most importantly books. One of these we publish is a compendium of the “Greatest Jokes” aimed at lightening up the hearts of people at these hotel business seminars with jokes about Insurance Agents, Bankers, Stockbrokers, etc. Here are a few ones I found outrageously funny*:

“Be careful of those calendars banks give you to help you keep track of your payments. I saw one with 16 months on it.”

“Q: Where does Santa put all of his money?
A: In the snow bank.”

and finally…

“What’s the favorite tree of the IRS?
Eucalyptus (“You Clipped Us”)

Maybe we’ll do one or two of these a week in the SWLLC blog** just to remind you that money and comedy don’t mix and more importantly, the need for quality entertainment like SWLLC provides.


*-Extreme sarcasm.
**-Don’t worry, more will never be published beyond the three here.

Greetings and allow me to introduce myself. My name is Josh & I’m Dave’s younger and more savvy brother. I’ve been nagging him for months if not years to update his SWLLC blog a little more often, since most people enjoy updates more often than is currently offered. Since I’m not really a member of the band, nor do I live in the same city, I can’t really post with too many details on SWLLC happenings, but I can give you something pretty to look at every once in a while, like a blurry picture of a SWLLC member or an un-used promotional shot from “The Bull Moose After Party.” The possibilities are absolutely endless.

What I do know is that the guys are once again together in the same place at the same time and are working on some great goodies for fans in the months to come. Dave tells me there’s a lot going on behind the scenes and that this Fall should be very exciting. Could I get any more vague? Probably not, but if you guys knew everything it wouldn’t be as fun now would it?

Here’s an aforementioned picture for you. Until next time.