And we're back.

Sights were seen, things were done, parasites were brought home and hosted for a while. Misha’s grinding away on his half of our latest secret project, while I have a couple of solo shows coming up. Summer continues apace.

We realized this morning that roughly half of our incoming email is now guitar tab requests, so we’ve vowed to start putting better ones online soon. Like, real detailed, down and dirty, “Someday all this will be yours, son, so here’s how you milk a cow” style tutorials that will leave your metacarpals humming and the rest of you ready to take over in case Misha or I somehow simultaneously break all of our hands. Please let us know if you have strong feelings about which songs we should do first, as it’ll potentially take us a while to get through the whole catalog.



Message Board Working Again

Not 100% sure what happened, but a couple of weeks ago the company that ran our old message board network got “upgraded” to another network.

Weirdly enough, the next day people suddenly stopped posting in our forums.

We assumed the world just ran out of things to talk about, or that there was maybe a silent protest going on against this “Yuku”, but it turns out a switch had gotten flipped in the process and we forgot to unflip it. (Specifically, the switch labeled “Let people post on your message board: Yes or No?”)

So: we unflipped the switch, and now everything’s better. I guess the moral of this story is to start taking people a bit more seriously when they say things like, “Your message board is broken and it isn’t letting me post.”

29.97 Speechwriters Per Second

Through the miracle of science, there are finally moving pictures of us on the internet. We just kind of threw them up there because we realized the only other clip of us on YouTube was 18 seconds long – please feel free to add your own if you have any, or let us know if we uploaded something you shot without attribution, or whatever.

We’re giving our media section an overhaul in much the same way as the Colorado River carved the Grand Canyon – slowly, and wetly, but for keeps.

Also, a new show just got confirmed, but we don’t want to steal the tour page‘s thunder.