Tour Diary 10/21/05

i feel it’s important to address first the fact that i was soundly beaten at rbi baseball by the extremely talented eric donnelly from the alternate routes. the bounty on his head his substantial, and interested parties should feel free to contact me at any time, preferably by way of smoke signals.

i am presently in boston doing my usual post-show cool down routine which involves abusing friendships, milking wireless internet hubs, misusing hospitality in general, and trying in vain to not spill granola and raisins all over the floor that james just mopped. tomorrow we make for new york for what will undoubtably be an in-the-park-homerun of a show with the mighty throwback and the alternate routes. after said show, nitzan and i head straight to jfk, leaving dave and misha to almost certain debauchery as we the rhythm section head for the hills of the west coast, as it were. dave and misha will follow shortly after, but, being frontmen and all, planned a little better when buying plane tickets.

for the next week, i will be spending my time with:

1) my beautiful, cuddly, wiseass girlfriend
2) my big old fat cat oscar
3) my bed complete with
4) my pillows
5) my pick of sopranos re-runs and the huge amount of six feet under i have to catch up on
6) my kitchen
7) clean clothes

this will be spectacular.

i am effectively killing james’ computer with this post, as i have spent large amounts of time staring blankly at the screen as i try to make this not sound contrived or ridiculous.

fuck it, i’m going to bed. i hope you all sleep well and if you have weird dreams about chasing alanis morrisette around in a dungeon slowly filling with water you should wake yourself up and remember that it’s ok, you’re just in boston for another night and maybe in the future you should eat corned beef hash in the morning like a normal person and then this sort of thing wouldn’t be an issue.

Another Tour Diary 10/21/05

My god, I must be Dave’s brother since I haven’t updated this thing in weeks (I was kind of hoping he would once again take the helm). Hopefully everybody’s band-blogging needs have been satiated by the boys (don’t say what I just said to your parents, they’ll think you’re talking dirty), and that everyone has been able to see the guys as they’ve made their way around the eastern portion of the country. Talked to Dave earlier today, and he told me he’s looking forward to a nice little week off between shows and making their way back to the west coast.

The bay area is treating me well, I’ve got the day off work today (for the first time in 2 months), and I’ve gotta say the break is lovely. I’d also like to urge people to go out there and get your flu shot, because frankly there’s no reason not to (unless of course you’re allergic to eggs).

I promised myself I’d never do this on the blog, but I thought I’d point people in the way of a few very cool little websites to whet their appetites of knowledge and entertainment:


“im Bumgardner (the creator of the Flickr Colr Pickr) sends word of his latest project, ‘an experimental interface for browsing thru about 3500 science fiction book covers from the Visual Index of Science Fiction Cover Art (VISCO). The covers are arranged horizontally by time, and vertically by cover. Position the mouse over a micro-thumbnail to see a normal-sized thumbnail. Click the thumbnail to see the full-sized cover.’

This thing is awesome, and if you’re into cool art without having to navigate strenuous browsing, this is for you.


This is an article about how the band “The Presidents of the United States of America” (remember them, from the late ’90s?) filmed a music video using nothing but camera phones. The story is a good read, and even better there’s a link for the video at the bottom. Needless to say it’s pretty cool, even if you don’t like the song.

Have a good weekend, get outside and enjoy the last throws of summer.

Tour Diary 10/20/05

Right now I am hurting so bad that words can’t really explain how I feel. But what I do know is that we played in Bridgeport, Connecticut last night. This is the hometown of our comrades the Alternate Routes so we reaped all the benifits, including free drinks and free toilet paper. But seriously my head feels like it got ran over by our van and all I want to do is sleep in my bed which is about 3,000 miles away. Its really sad but this is all a test of strength and stomach toughness which I am failing. If there is one thing to be learned from all this its that Bridgeport is a hell of a town where you can play your music, get subway stamps, and get rejected by shady massage parlors. I miss you California. “The rise of house music, the fall of apartheid, coincidence or not?”