Greetings everybody and a happy weekend to all. Like my co-worker calls it, “weak-end” is just about how I’m feeling after a pretty grueling week of juggling work, commuting, and apartment hunting.

Exciting news this week with the public release of not only a new iPod, but something to play on it with the SWLLC Mixtape 2005. The boys are nice enough to release a smattering of full versions of their songs (including a majority from their newest album) for your listening pleasure. Download the mixtape, burn it, share it. It’s all about the music. Just don’t sell it please.

Speaking of the new album, just a friendly reminder that you still have an additional week to get your entries into the Bull Moose After Party Photo Contest. I’m working on getting some really great shwag for the winner/s and you’ve still got a pretty good chance of winning if you’ve got some good ideas of things to do with albums. I’ve enjoyed looking at people’s pictures they’ve sent me and I’ve gotta say they just keep getting better so please keep it up!

With that, it’s time for a big night out. Here’s a picture of what you could be submitting as entires. Get creative!

Nothing too exciting to report today, just writing to let you know that the Bull Moose After Party Photo Contest 2005 deadline will be extended an additional week, so the new deadline is:

Friday, Sept. 16th @ 11:59 PST.

Cooincidentally, the 16th is Mexican Independence Day, so some of you will have two reasons to celebrate. After the deadline, I’ll be sorting through the entries and posting them the following monday. The reason for the extension is primarily to get a few more entries, in addition to allowing time for some of you to buy the album first.

On the rest of the news front there’s not a whole lot to tell, other than that you should really check out the tour schedule to make sure you don’t miss the guys if/when they’re in your town. If they are coming to your town, take some time to print out the flyers and put them up in your workplace/school/coffee shop/SWLLC shrine. I’ve also been told by Dave that they make excellent insulation in the TOUR VAN 500,000+ (the number actually has a meaning…if you don’t know what I’m talking about listen to the podcast).

More to come this week, now get snapping!

“Just for Girls”

For those of you who keep track of news items on the SWLLC main page, you might have noticed that the band (well, 1/2 of it anyway) was featured on indy phenomenon artist Samantha Murphy’s podcast “SMtv.” If you don’t know what podcasting is, click here for the def. and some history.

The podcast itself runs close to an hour and features a few tracks from The Bull Moose After Party as well as a live rendition of “Spaghetti Streetwalker.” In addition to the music, Murphy serves as an excellent interviewer, grilling the boys about things like their new tour transportation, lead singer duties, and the age-old question about Indy cred vs. Label deals. Definitely makes for a great listen and if anything, it’s nice to imagine Samantha Murphy’s facial expressions to the boys responses.

Finally, someone e-mailed me asking about whether or not there could be nudity/illicit activies/animals in the submissions for The Bull Moose After Party photo contest. The answer of course is yes–be creative, but make sure it’s something your mom could look at (at least for a few seconds). Should have some exiting news later this week, and maybe even a post from a bandmember! Until then, get snapping!