RIP Les Paul

From Wikipedia:

In January 1948, Paul was injured in a near-fatal automobile accident in Oklahoma, which shattered his right arm and elbow. Doctors told Paul that there was no way for them to rebuild his elbow in a way that would let him regain movement, and that his arm would remain permanently in whatever position they placed it in. Paul then instructed the surgeons to set his arm at an angle that would allow him to cradle and pick the guitar. It took him a year and a half to recover.

Like Josiah Wedgwood, it’s hard to exaggerate the depth and breadth of this man’s legacy. Also, what a badass.

The Power of Positive Thinking

Rat cam on!

If you write enough songs about someone, they will eventually either file a restraining order or invite you to come over.

For those of you currently living in Southeast Asia, Misha and I will be playing a handful of shows in Vietnam this month. Venues run the gamut from tiny urban art space to US embassy to nationally televised sea festival.

We’ll try to remember to bring a camera. :)

(Speaking of which, photos from my last jaunt with Justin Carroll can be seen here. You may or may not be in them.)